Assalamu alaikum, Just in case you didn't know, today is the last day of Ramadaan, and by order of Islamic council of Saudi, Eid will be tomorrow. Just a reminder, we hope to see you all at our Eid salat at 10am in Overton Park inshallah. Please come early as there is limited parking. Here's …

Assalamu alaikum,

Just in case you didn’t know, today is the last day of Ramadaan, and by order of Islamic council of Saudi, Eid will be tomorrow.

Just a reminder, we hope to see you all at our Eid salat at 10am in Overton Park inshallah. Please come early as there is limited parking.

Here’s the plan:

9am – Please arrive by this time to avoid any delays and to get a parking space

10am – Announcements

10.30am (SHARP) Eid Salaat starts

11.30am – Food hall opens

11.30am – Face painting

11.30am – Childrens goody bags!

1.00pm – Duhr

2.00pm End – Please stay to help tidy the park if you can.

Lastly, don’t forget to bring your mats.

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