Collections during Ramadan
Fidyaht – Compensation for missed fasting that cannot be made up
This is payable for everyday of missed fast, either as a satisfying meal, or half a Saa‘a of preservable food of what people can cook for later (eg. rice, barley, wheat, pulses…etc.)
The current average cost of this in Damascus is around £3.50.
Zakaatul Fitr (also known as Fitra or Fitrana)
This also payable in preservable food only. One Saa‘a of dried food stuffs ( eg, grain rice wheat etc, dates or raisins) per person in the family regardless of their age.
The average cost of this is around £5 per person. If you want to give Saa‘a of dates then the cost of this rises to above £10.
Zakaatul maal
(Financial Zakaht) the most common is the 2.5% of saved income gold/silver that has been saved in your position for a whole lunar year. for more details of this zakat PLEASE refer to the fiqh books like “FIQHU SUNNAH” for Imam Sayyed Sabiq.
Please Note:
We are aiming to complete the collection for the above by the end of the second week of Ramadan i.e 14 Ramadan. This will give us chance to send the money over and for the organiser over there to sort out buying and distribution without causing hardship of last minute rush.
Collections will be during our Taraweeh prayers at:
Thomas Wall Centre, 52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4DP
What to do with your Fidyat or Zakaat
PLEASE place your donations in envelopes stating the amount and if:
– Fidyaht then write for how many days
– Fitra then write on behalf of how many people
– Zakaatul Maal then just write ZAKAT
– if normal general charity then write sadaqaht or charity .
PLEASE NOTE that the last two weeks of Ramadan we will only collect for Companions of the Mosque projects support
Ramadan Q&A
Assalamu alaikum all,
Just a reminder of our Ramadan talk tonight 8pm – all the questions you want to know.
See you there!
Collections during Ramadan
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear all,
Just some important information on collections during Ramadaan.
1 – Fidyaht – Compensation for missed fasting that cannot be made up):
Payable for everyday of missed fast. either as a satisfying meal, or half a Saa’ă of reservable food of what people can reserve for later. like rice parly wheat pulses…etc. The average cost of this in Damascus presently about £2.50.
2 – Zakaatul Fitr (also known as Fitra or Fitrana -in urdo)
This payable in preservable food only. One Ssaa’ă of (grain rice wheat etc, dates or raisins) per person in the family regardless of their age. The average cost of this is about £4 to £5 per person. If you want to give Saa’ă of dates then the cost of this rises to above £10.
3 – Zakaatul maal (financial Zakaht)
The most common is the 2.5% of saved income of gold/silver that has been saved in your position for a whole lunar year. For more details of this Zakat PLEASE refer to the fiqh books like “FIQHU SUNNAH” for imam Sayyed Sabiq
فقه السنة
الإمام سيد سابق
رحمه الله وجزاه خيرا .
we are aiming to complete the collection for the above by the end of the second week of Ramadan. This will give us chance to send the money over and for the organisers over there to sort out buying and distributing without causing hardship of last minute rush.
Collections will be during our Taraweeh prayers at
Thomas Wall Centre
52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4DP
Friday Prayers at:
New Malden Juma’h
(12:50 Start.)
Shiraz Mirza Community Hall
Manor Park
Malden Road
New Malden
Essential requirements
place your donations in envelopes stating the amount, and if for:
– Fidyaht, then write for how many days
– Fitra, then write on behalf of how many people
– Zakaatul Maal then just write ZAKAT
If your donation is for normal charity then write Sadaqaht or charity.
PLEASE NOTE: The last two weeks of Ramadan we will only collect for Companions Of the Mosque projects support.
جزاكم الله خيرا وتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.
Finally, inshaaAllah see you all tonight 10:30 for 10:45 start.
Eid in the Park
Companions of the Mosque will be organising Eid gathering in the park for the family for the sixth consecutive year. Date to be confirmed – please watch this site tomorrow night after 6pm.
Please arrive by 9.00am for the salah at 10:30am sharp – please get to the park early to avoid any delays. There will be separate areas for the sisters.
As ever don’t forget your prayer mat. The usual teas and coffees are on us!.
See you all on soon!
Official Ramadan Announcement::
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I have just had confirmation from Saudi Arabia, that the month of Ramadan is staring after Mughrib (tonight).
Address for the Thomas Wall Centre, click here
TOMORROW’S TARAWEEH WILL START AT 10:45 PM (allowing people to take their iftar meal without rushing).
So those who are praying with us.:
See you tonight إن شاء الله
Annual General Meeting, 21st May 2016
Assalamu alaium,
Dear all,
Just a quick note to remind everyone, Ramadan less than a month away!
If you would like to participate or help during Ramadan and the Eid gathering, please come to our Annual General Meeting.
Date – 2pm 21 May 2016 (max 90 minutes)
Venue – Thomas Wall Centre, Sutton
The 90 minute minute will have the following agenda:
1 – Ramadan taraweeh arrangements
2 – Eid in the Park – what’s happening?
3 – Fund raising and premises update
Teas and coffee will be available.
If you have any queries, please email
Eid confirmed for tomorrow Friday 17th July 2015
Assalamu alaikum,
Dear All,
Just to let you all know, it’s been confirmed straight from the Sheiks mouth: the moon has been sighted in Saudi and therefore Eid has been confirmed for tomorrow July 17 2015.
Please do:
– Arrive by 10am latest, the Salaah will start at 10.30am sharp. Car space is limited so please arrive early to avoid the rush.
– Bring a mat
– Bring some finger food to share with your Muslim brothers and sisters – (Personally I like anything with lamb!!)
– Bring your children, wives, sisters, brothers, parents
When you arrive, please:
– Sit on the sitting area, please NO strolling or milling around talking to friends
– Please listen to Khutbah – this is IMPORTANT, else you will spoil your salaat
– Please do not rush off after Salaah, enjoy the day with us, there is something for everyone!
Lastly, if you are able to volunteer to help clear up after the event, this will be much appreciated, many hands make light work after all!
URGENT:: Eid Al-Fitr 1436 (July 2015) – Helpers required
Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
Dear All
Insha-allah we will be holding our Eid event for the 5th consecutive year!
If you’ve never been, it’s going to be “Awesome” or as the young G say nowadays “EPIC”.
Salaat will be at 10.30am sharp. For this to happen we need helpers. Helpers. Helpers and more helpers.
The main reason its such a hit is we have enough volunteers registering their commitments in good time for us to go ahead.
Ahad -The Event Manager- is looking for at least 30 volunteers that they would commit themselves from start to finish, i.e. from 7:00 am for an hour and again at 2:00 pm for an hour on the day.
We need volunteers are required for the day and night before.
Clearing up time really depends on how many people are doing it , many hands makes light work!
This event is to revive the Sunnah of gathering all of the town community out in the open to pray and celebrate the Eid, and to mainly make it a memorable event for our children.
Many of you will say “I can’t commit because we are visiting / we have visitors / we have family…”
To those I say: remember all volunteers in COM also have other personal commitments, visitors and families too. But maybe if you think about the rewards that Allah may grant them for sacrificing their own needs in order to help other people having a memorable day, this may make you feel jealous enough to wanting to have these rewards too.
If you want to be active accumulating rewards then please contact Ahad (mobile 07713 189 032, or email
Yours Brotherly
07803 182 785