Coming this July: As the blessed month of Ramadaan is fast approaching, COM would like to invite you to look at how to get the most out of your Ramadaan, through looking at the Quran, the Sunnah and the actions of the rightly guided companions of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Join COM’s guest speaker Sheikh …

Coming this July: As the blessed month of Ramadaan is fast approaching, COM would like to invite you to look at how to get the most out of your Ramadaan, through looking at the Quran, the Sunnah and the actions of the rightly guided companions of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Join COM’s guest speaker Sheikh Abu Suhaib as he explains the importance of following the Quran and Sunnah to the rightly guided companions, and significantly, how we can follow their examples and experience in dealing with our own lives.

As usual, if you have a question for the speaker you may email it in advance to: no later than 6pm Saturday. Your name will not be mentioned and if the speaker doesn’t get it covered during the talk then it will be answered during the Q&A session as a priority.
Here is a quick summary of this Sunday’s event:

• 10:45am Monthly Sisters gathering only (boys under 10 are welcome)

Activities include:

• 11:00am First Aid by Sister Saadia

If you have a doll then please bring it along. It would be safer to practice on a doll before you practice on each other. Please be there on time ,You will have 5mins to settle in before the session starts. If you are late you cannot take part as the introduction is VERY important and if you miss that you will not be able to follow what is going on and it will not be safe for you to practice the techniques on anyone.

• 11:40am Taekwondo with Sister Sarah
• 12:30pm sewing

Please start handing in your finished pieces so aunty Sherin can start putting them together.
• 1:00pm Lunch
• 1:30pm Baking with aunty Rukshana
• 3:00pm Family gathering (for everyone)

The sisters gathering should end @ 2:30pm followed by gathering of everyone (male & female) at the quad to socialise (brothers with brothers and sisters with sisters. It is also good opportunities for children to get to know other Muslim children in the community.

Once again everyone is encouraged to bring a dish but not Compulsory.
• 3:50pm tidy up for the main talk
• 4:00pm Main talk of the month starts: “Getting the most from Ramadaan”
• 6:00pm tidy up venue
• 6:30pm Asr Salah
• 7:00pm Finish

The details of the venue is as follows: The Quad (Youth Centre), Green Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, SM5 1JW.

There is an on-site parking as well as off street parking. For further information, please visit or telephone: 07946 489 099.

Please publicise this event to your friends and families (Muslims & non-Muslims) as everyone is welcome.

