Quran Memorisation Class – FREE!
As salamu alaikum,
Now that the summer is over and we have celebrated the Eid, it’s time for our classes at the Civic Offices to resume.
We will be honoured by a special course from Dr Islam on memorising the Qur’an with understanding.
The classes will be on Friday evenings 7pm to 9.30pm, starting this Friday 8 September, and Wednesday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm starting next Wednesday 13 September.
Dr Islam taught a part of this course at Markfield this year and I’m sure all would agree that it was very beneficial – however even those who attended Markfield are encouraged to come as more surahs will be covered insha Allah.
I hope to see you on Friday!
And the Monday brothers tajweed class will resume this coming Monday 11 September, at 7.30pm insha Allah.