Eid Mubark: Eid confirmed for Tuesday 4th June 2019

Posted June 3rd, 2019 by admin and filed in Eid

Assalamu alaikum,

Dear All,

Just to let you all know, it’s been confirmed from Saudi:

Eid will be on Tuesday 4th June 2019

This year we will be holding TWO Eid salaahs:

1 – The “early bird” Eid Salaah in the Thomas Wall Centre at 7am (7.30am prayer time) – Space is limited so is ONLY for people who cannont attend the park event (working, exams etcs)

2 – The “usual crowds” Eid Salaah in Overton Park 9am (10.30am prayer time) – There is plenty of space  – so come join us in the celebration!


If you are coming to the Thomas Wall Centre:

– Set your satnavs to 52 Benhill Ave, Sutton SM1 4DP

– Arrive by 7am latest, the Salaah will start at 7.30am sharp. Parking is LIMITED so arrive early to avoid the rush.



If you are coming to the Overton Park:

– Set your satnavs to SM2 6QT, and,

– Arrive by 9 – 900am latest, the Salaah will start at 10.30am sharp. There will be plenty of parking, but please arrive early to avoid the rush.

-Bring a picnic and plenty of water

– Bring a mat

– Bring your children, wives, sisters, brothers, parents in fact all your family!


When you arrive, please:

– Sit on the sitting area, please NO strolling or milling around talking to friends

– Please listen to Khutbah – this is IMPORTANT, else you will spoil your salaat

– Please do not rush off after salaah, enjoy the day with us, there is something for everyone!

Lastly, if you are able to volunteer to help clear up after the event, this will be much appreciated, many hands make light work after all!

As MC of the event it’s important you know if you’re bringing food I like anything with lamb!!


Eid Prayer in the Park 1440 (June 2019)

Posted June 1st, 2019 by admin and filed in General

Companions of the Mosque will be organising Eid Prayer in the park for the family for the 9th year!

Date to be confirmed  – please watch this site on the Monday 3rd June 2019 after 7.30pm for Eid confirmation.

Venue: Overton Park, Sutton, SM2 6QT

Please arrive by 9.30am for the salah at 10:30am sharp

Please arrive by 9am, there is plenty of parking in the park




There will be separate areas for the sisters.

As ever don’t forget your prayer mat. Also, remember to bring water and a picnic – anything spicy lamb based will be gratefully received by the MC!

See you all soon!



Sunday Talk on Ramadan – 14th April 2019

Posted April 5th, 2019 by admin and filed in Monthly talks










السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Just to let you all know the details of our Suday gathering:

Inshalla-Allah, we shall start at 2pm and finish by 6pm,

The Thomas Wall Centre (52 Benhill Ave, Sutton SM1 4DP)

The objective of this COM’s family gathering is for us to get to know one another and maybe benefit from a light reminder from the teachings of our most beloved prophet Muhhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

Good news:
Please note this presentation is part of a whole community gathering program from 2pm till 6pm

As well as getting to know one another in your community there will be general talk about Ramadan and fasting and opportunity to ask questions.

So please do arrive by 2pm.

So please free yourself and your family for that afternoon.
If you have guests for that Sunday then please invite them in to join us too. Our gatherings are open for all.
Looking forward to seeing you inshaaAllah.

Yours brotherly



Posted October 31st, 2018 by admin and filed in General, Monthly talks

COM’s Sunday gathering news
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Just to let you all know that our Suday gathering is back on the agenda. Starting with Sunday 3 Rabeeă al-awal 1440 ( 11 November 2018 ).

We shall start at 2pm and finish by 6pm,

The Thomas Wall Centre (52 Benhill Ave, Sutton SM1 4DP)

The objective of this COM’s family gathering is for us to get to know one another and maybe benefit from a light reminder from the teachings of our most beloved prophet Muhhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

As a bonus we may sometimes invite a visiting speaker.

Good news:
For this 1st gathering we managed to book our brother shaikh Abu Sohaib as our first guest speaker.
The shaikh needs to leave us by 3:30 at the latest. So we need to start his talk by 2:15 or as soon as he arrives.

So please do arrive by 2pm.

So please free yourself and your family for that afternoon.
If you have guests for that Sunday then please invite them in to join us too. Our gatherings are open for all.
Looking forward to seeing you inshaaAllah.

Yours brotherly

Eid ul Adha 1439 ( August 2018) – Eid Prayers in the Park

Posted August 12th, 2018 by admin and filed in Eid

It is been officially confirmed that the grand Eid of Sacrifice 1439 will inshaaAllah be on Tuesday 21 August:

Companions of the Mosque will be organising Eid Prayers followed by the usual gathering for the family for the seventh consecutive year. This will be held at Overton Park, Sutton on 21 August from 9am till 2pm.

The salaah start promptly at 10.30am. Please arrive by 9.15am to avoid the traffic rush.

This is a picnic event for the entire family:  Please bring a picnic food basket to share with your family, a mat to pray on and a foldable chair to sit on. There will be no chairs available.

Remember, praying Eid out in the open is not an option: it is ordered by Prophet Muhammad

All contributions are welcome! Please email info@companionsofthemosque.com if you have any queries or would like to help.

Arrive just after 9.15am – please get to the park early to avoid any delays

Eid Mubark: Eid confirmed for Friday 15th June 2018

Posted June 14th, 2018 by admin and filed in Eid

Assalamu alaikum,

Dear All,

Just to let you all know, it’s been confirmed from Saudi:

Eid will be on Friday 15th June 2017

Please do:

– Set your satnavs to SM2 6QT, and,

– Arrive by 9 – 9.30am latest, the Salaah will start at 10.30am sharp. There will be plenty of parking but please arrive early to avoid the rush.

-Bring a picnic and plenty of water

– Bring a mat

– Bring your children, wives, sisters, brothers, parents in fact all your family!

When you arrive, please:

– Sit on the sitting area, please NO strolling or milling around talking to friends

– Please listen to Khutbah – this is IMPORTANT, else you will spoil your salaat

– Please do not rush off after salaah, enjoy the day with us, there is something for everyone!

Lastly, if you are able to volunteer to help clear up after the event, this will be much appreciated, many hands make light work after all!

As MC of the event it’s important you know if you’re bringing food I like anything with lamb!!


Eid Prayer in the Park

Posted June 10th, 2018 by admin and filed in Eid

Companions of the Mosque will be organising Eid Prayer in the park for the family for the 8th year!

Date to be confirmed  – please watch this site on the Thursday 14 June 2018 after 7.30pm for Eid confirmation.


Venue: Overton Park, Sutton, SM2 6QT

Please arrive by 9.30am for the salah at 10:30am sharp – arrive at the park early to avoid any delays.




There will be separate areas for the sisters.

As ever don’t forget your prayer mat. Also, remember to bring water and a picnic – anything spicy lamb based will be gratefully received by the MC!

See you all soon!

Collections during Ramadan

Posted May 18th, 2018 by admin and filed in Ramadan

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dear all,

Just some important information on collections during Ramadaan.

1 – Fidyaht – Compensation for missed fasting that cannot be made up):

Payable for everyday of missed fast. either as a satisfying meal, or half a Saa’ă of reservable food of what people can reserve for later. like rice parly wheat pulses…etc. The average cost of this in Damascus presently about £2.50.

2 – Zakaatul Fitr (also known as Fitra or Fitrana -in urdo)
This  payable in preservable food only. One Ssaa’ă of (grain rice wheat etc, dates or raisins) per person in the family regardless of their age. The average cost of this is about £4 to £5 per person. If you want to give Saa’ă of dates then the cost of this rises to above £10.

3 – Zakaatul maal (financial Zakaht)

The most common is the 2.5% of saved income of gold/silver that has been saved in your position for a whole lunar year. For more details of this Zakat PLEASE refer to the fiqh books like “FIQHU SUNNAH” for imam Sayyed Sabiq
فقه السنة
الإمام سيد سابق
رحمه الله وجزاه خيرا .


⭕we are aiming to complete the collection for the above by the end of the second week of Ramadan. This will give us chance to send the money over and for the organisers over there to sort out buying and distributing without causing hardship of last minute rush.

Collections will be during our Taraweeh prayers at
Thomas Wall Centre
52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4DP


Friday Prayers at:

New Malden Juma’h
(12:50 Start.)
Shiraz Mirza Community Hall
Manor Park
Malden Road
New Malden

Essential requirements
place your donations in envelopes stating the amount, and if for:
– Fidyaht, then write for how many days

– Fitra, then write on behalf of how many people

– Zakaatul Maal then just write ZAKAT

If your donation is for normal charity then write Sadaqaht or charity.

PLEASE NOTE: The last two weeks of Ramadan we will only collect for Companions Of the Mosque projects support.

جزاكم الله خيرا وتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.

Finally, inshaaAllah see you all tonight 10:30 for 10:45 start.

Ramadaan 1439 (2018) & the Thomas Wall Centre

Posted May 15th, 2018 by admin and filed in General

Assalamu’alaikum All,

Just a few words about Ramadaan: we start and finish Ramadan in sync with Makka.
so Tuesday will be 29 Sha’baan, thus Ramadan may start Wednesday, or Thursday if Sha’baan complete 30 days. depending on new Crescent sightings.

How do we know??

🕢 About 6:30pm (our time) they would be praying Isha in Makkaht مكة المكرمة.
So on Tuesday please go on the internet watching Makkah life. If after Isha they pray Taraweeh then we know that fasting starts Wednesday, otherwise it’ll start Thursday.

COM’s Taraweeh Prayers :
We have booked the hall at Thomas Wall Centre from 10:30 to 12:00 midnight. We (إن شاء الله ) shall start on Tuesday. If RAMADAN is on Wednesday then we pray Taraweeh, otherwise if starts on Thursday then we just pray Isha.

Please note:

– congregation prayer shall start at 10:45 pm.

– If you would like to help preparing the hall laying down the prayer Matt’s etc then please arrive at 10:30 Sharp.

– PLEASE bring your own drinking water with you.
there is free fresh drinking water tap at the hall.

– please park your car in the centre’s car park. But leave the end three spaces by the tree for disabled parking.

– if the car park is full then please park on the main road (Ben hill Ave). or the roads opposite the centre.
– please do not park on the the road adjacent (Lenham Road).

– if you want to chat to your friends then please do it inside the hall, or inside your car, but not in the car park as this may disturb the neighbors or the residents of the centre.

The hall will be open at 10:30 for 10:45 start. If you would like to volunteer sharing the duties of opening the hall etc then please contact br Mohammad Kabeer who will put you on the Rota.

We will be posting more information regarding zakat fidyah fitraht and general sadaqaht, later on inshaaAllah

Quran Memorisation Class – FREE!

Posted September 8th, 2017 by admin and filed in General

As salamu alaikum,

Now that the summer is over and we have celebrated the Eid, it’s time for our classes at the Civic Offices to resume.

We will be honoured by a special course from Dr Islam on memorising the Qur’an with understanding.

The classes will be on Friday evenings 7pm to 9.30pm, starting this Friday 8 September, and Wednesday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm starting next Wednesday 13 September.

Dr Islam taught a part of this course at Markfield this year and I’m sure all would agree that it was very beneficial – however even those who attended Markfield are encouraged to come as more surahs will be covered insha Allah.

I hope to see you on Friday!

And the Monday brothers tajweed class will resume this coming Monday 11 September, at 7.30pm insha Allah.