Assalamu’alaikm w rahmutullahi, wa barakatahu

This is just to let you know, Eid in Park will take place tomorrow inshallah.

Arrival at 10am, Eid salah will be held at 10.30am sharp inshallah at Overton Park.

Please can you bring your mat. Also, can I ask you all to make this duas for good weather tomorrow:

Asking for a clear sky
‘O Allaah, let the rain fall around us and not upon us, O Allaah, (let it fall) on the pastures, hills, valleys and the roots of trees.’
(Al-Bukhaaree 1/224 and Muslim 2/614)

If you’re still undecided about coming, this is what you missed last year…

And lastly, on behalf of all at Companions of the Mosque we would like to wish you all Eid Mubarak.

2 Responses to “EID MUBARAK!”

  1. Umm farhan says:

    The idea of Eid in the park is brilliant. It is like an Eid Maila with goodies for children and food stalls for everyone .
    The event was very well organised and everyone who attended enjoyed and appreciated the event. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any fashion.
    Alhamdolillah, it was a true family fun day, with Allah’s divine favour and blessing on the Ummah. It brought the local community togather to get to know eachother and exchange views.
    This event should be repeated in the future.Inshallah

  2. Mohamed Roslan says:

    Assalamualikum and Eid Mubarak Brothers,

    As a visitor form Liverpool, Allahamdullilah i was able to join you all for Eid Prayers at the park this year. How blessed we were and congratulations to you all for a wonderful occasion.

    I write to suggest that perhaps next year inshallah you could print out the takbeer for the brothers which might encourage them to do the takbeer on arrival and before the prayer.

    May Allah bless you all for the work you are doing.
